The Herculaneum Archaeological Park is an institution belonging to the Italian Ministry of Culture, created by Italian Ministerial Decree no. 44 of 23 January 2016 and endowed with organisational, economic, financial, accounting and scientific autonomy with the aim of managing the protection and promotion of the archaeological area of Herculaneum, including Villa dei Papiri (Villa of the Papyri) and the underground theatre. From 2023, Villa Sora in Torre del Greco will also fall under the direct jurisdiction of the Park.

Since 2001, Herculaneum has benefited from the continuous activity of a public-private partnership with the Packard Humanities Institute, a philanthropic foundation operating in Italy through the Packard Institute for Cultural Heritage, which contributes to the conservation and promotion of the site through the Herculaneum Conservation Project (HCP) and collaboration with other partners.

Since 1997, the archaeological area of Herculaneum has been included in the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites, as part of Site 829 “Archaeological Areas of Pompeii, Herculaneum and Torre Annunziata”, comprising the ancient cities of Pompeii – with the Villa of the Mysteries – and Herculaneum – with the Underground Theatre and the Villa of the Papyri – and Villa A (Villa of Poppaea) and Villa B (Villa of Lucius Crassius Tertius) in Torre Annunziata

Organisational structure

Institutional bodies

The Italian Ministerial Decree of 23 December 2014 on the Organisation and Functioning of State Museums establishes – for autonomous institutions – the following institutional bodies:

  • The Director
  • The Board of Trustees
  • The Scientific Committee
  • The Board of Auditors

Francesco Sirano has been the Director since April 10, 2017

The Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is composed of the Director, who chairs it, and four members appointed by the Italian Minister of Culture, one in agreement with the Italian Minister of Education, Universities and Research and one in agreement with the Italian Minister of Economy and Finance, chosen from among renowned experts in the field of cultural heritage.

Current composition:

Mr Francesco Sirano

the Regional Director of Campania Museums pro tempore

Mr Richard Hodges

Mr Giuseppe Parise

Mr Mario Percuoco


Scientific Committee

The Scientific Committee is composed of the Director and of members chosen from among renowned university professors in fields pertaining or related to the Museum’s field of activity or experts with particular and proven scientific and professional qualifications in the field of cultural heritage protection and promotion.

Current composition:

Mr Francesco Sirano

Ms Jane Thompson

Ms Nadia Barrella

Mr Renato Briganti


Board of Auditors

The Board of Auditors consists of an official from the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance, acting as chairman, and two members, appointed by decree of the Offices of the Italian Minister of Culture.

Current composition:

Mr Mario Carli – chairman

Mr Enrico D’Angelo

Mr Francesco Iovine