Curricular Internships

Curricular Internships

The Herculaneum Archaeological Park is open to hosting curricular internship projects and stages, provided that an agreement is established with the student’s university of origin. An internship does not constitute an employment relationship but is instead a formative strategy and an active measure to facilitate orientation and integration into the professional world. Through the experience of a curricular stage, interns have the opportunity to achieve specific learning objectives related to their ongoing or completed educational pathway while gaining practical experience in direct contact with the Park’s staff and project activities.

  • First, verify that your university of origin has an agreement with the Park for conducting curricular internships.
  • If your university has already entered into an agreement with the Park, your tutor should send a request to check if there is availability at our Institute to host you as an intern, attaching your curriculum vitae and any proposed activities.
  • If your university of origin has not yet established a specific agreement with our Park, your tutor should send a request to initiate collaboration by introducing you as an intern candidate along with any proposed activities.

Young Fund for Culture

The Young Fund for Culture is an initiative by Italy’s Ministry of Culture aimed at promoting training and professional orientation for young people in protecting, enjoying, and enhancing cultural heritage. Each year, the Ministry offers paid educational internships to graduates up to 29 years old, with the objective of involving them in specific projects within central offices, peripheral institutions, and cultural sites.

These internships offer a monthly stipend of 1,000 euros gross pay, distributed among various institutes under the Ministry’s purview, including the Herculaneum Archaeological Park. This initiative not only provides significant professional growth opportunities for young individuals but also strengthens competencies within cultural sectors, aiding conservation efforts and enhancing Italy’s rich heritage.