With a donation you can support a Herculaneum Archaeological Park project and get tax relief of up to 65 percent thanks to the Artbonus law.
Consulta l’elenco dei progetti sul patrimonio dell’antica Herculaneum a cui è possibile partecipare, costantemente aggiornato sul sito Artbonus.
In order to enjoy the tax privileges, the Internal Revenue Service requires that in addition to the beneficiary and the project, the word “Artbonus” be indicated in the reason for payment as well as the tax identification number to the beneficiary entity. The easiest way to make a donation is to send a wire transfer to Herculaneum Archaeological Park:
  • Account Holder: Herculaneum Archaeological Park – Office
  • Bank: MONTE DEI PASCHI DI SIENA Branch 9280 – Torre del Greco (Naples)
  • IBAN: IT49F0103040300000001421954
  • Payment Reference: “Art Bonus – Charitable Donation for the Herculaneum Archaeological Park, promotion and enhancement project,
  • Tax code or VAT number of the patron