The new regulations on publicity, transparency and information disclosure obligations of the Archaeological Park.

The decree, which consists of 53 articles and an annex, has been in force since 20 April 2013, dictating the principles of transparency, defined pursuant to Art. 1 of the decree, understood as total accessibility of information concerning the organisation and activity of public administrations, in order to favour widespread forms of control over the performance of institutional activities and the use of public resources, to guarantee individual and collective freedoms, as well as civil, political and social rights, integrating the right to good administration and contributing to the realisation of an open administration, at the service of citizens.


Any economic operators interested in proposing commercial collaborations are advised that this Park, as a public institution, will proceed with public tenders and in any case according to the procedures foreseen by the regulations in force should it need to initiate such collaborations.

Economic operators are therefore invited to consult the Transparent Administration page for updates on ongoing procedures, or to register on the MEPA Portal, which the Park uses, for all the categories of services and supplies therein.

National Operational Programme (PON) Works

  • MuDE – Herculaneum Digital Museum

    The intervention amounting to EUR 3,142,173.83 plus VAT was financed under the National Operational Programme (PON) measure Culture and Development, ERDF 2014 – 2020 Axis 1 Line 6c1b

  • Implementation of armed security service for compliance with Covid prevention measures.

    The intervention amounting to EUR 62,838.41 including VAT has been financed within the framework of “Action 6.c.1c – Measures to ensure protected modes of use in relation to the risks related to the Covid-19 epidemic and to boost cultural demand” – National Operational Programme “Culture and Development” ERDF 2014-2020.

  • Services, supply and hire of materials for the adaptation of use to meet the regulations for the prevention of the spread of COVID 19.

    The intervention amounting to EUR 26,410.56 including VAT has been financed within the framework of “Action 6.c.1c – Measures to ensure protected modes of use in relation to the risks related to the Covid-19 epidemic and to boost cultural demand” – National Operational Programme “Culture and Development” ERDF 2014-2020.

  • Redesigning the Herculaneum Archaeological Park’s web/social communication plan during the pandemic emergency and the Herculaneum Archaeological Park’s Lapilli series.

    The intervention amounting to EUR 43,713.84 including VAT has been financed within the framework of “Action 6.c.1c – Measures to ensure protected modes of use in relation to the risks related to the Covid-19 epidemic and to boost cultural demand” – National Operational Programme “Culture and Development” ERDF 2014-2020.