SplendOri. Luxury in the ornaments of Herculaneum.

SplendOri. The Luxury in Ornaments at Herculaneum” is an exhibition that has brought out from storage a collection of about 200 pieces, including jewelry, precious items, refined domestic furnishings, and unique dining sets, both in quantity and cultural value, presented to the public for the first time at the site of their discovery.

These objects belonged to the ancient inhabitants of Herculaneum, some of which were found with the residents in their attempt to save them from the imminent disaster.

The exhibition’s opening in December 2018 coincided with the opening of the Antiquarium, a building that required final interventions before being accessible to visitors.

“The operation was the result of a great effort to adapt the building for visitor reception, equipping it with all necessary safety measures to allow its opening. In this way, we have offered the community and visitors a functional space that has also hosted conferences, conventions, and workshops. We decided to respond to the numerous requests from visitors to make the exhibition permanent, but this does not distract us from the goal of providing the Park with a museum that completes the visit experience in all aspects and in an innovative way.”

Francesco Sirano, Director of the Archaeological Park of Herculaneum.


“It is a beautiful exhibition and should become permanent. If not, I hope it will be replaced by another equally deserving one from December 1st.”

“It’s splendid! Visitors love it. Why not make it permanent? It adds great value to the visit.”

“Truly splendid… It must become permanent!”

“An extraordinary exhibition! Objects created with unimaginable craftsmanship. Jewelry of rare refinement and everyday tools that leave one astonished. The only tragic thing is that it is not a permanent exhibition.”


These are some of the voices collected during the months of opening, which prompted the Direction of the Archaeological Park of Herculaneum to make the exhibition “SplendOri. The Luxury in Ornaments at Herculaneum” permanent.

Starting on December 20, 2018, nearly a year after its opening, the Park’s first exhibition received an ovation of approvals that translated into the long-awaited decision.

In 2023, the permanent exhibition was enriched with new precious testimonies, including masterpieces from the Villa of the Papyri and other public and private buildings, such as the sculptures from the garden of the House of the Deer, the statue of Marcus Nonius Balbus, frescoes from the Villa of the Papyri, and a fresco with Cupids playing in a sacred context dedicated to Apollo, originally created within a wooden frame that was inserted into the wall of an apartment on the Decumanus Maximus.

Also on display is the bronze fountain depicting the Hydra of Lerna, the multi-headed serpent monster that Hercules faced in the second of his twelve labors. The Hydra of Herculaneum, placed at the center of the cross-shaped pool in the central courtyard of the Gymnasium, seems inspired by a famous monument in Rome, mentioned by the Latin writer Festus: the Hydra fountain that adorned the Lacus Servilius in the Roman Forum, donated by Agrippa, a friend and loyal collaborator of Emperor Augustus.